Interactive HTML Slides for Geometry Processing
using the PMP library
Mario Botsch
Graphics & Geometry Group Bielefeld University
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Interactive Demo Applications
The demos are written in C++ using the PMP library
They are cross-compiled to Javascript using emscripten
They require support for WebGL 2
The demos work nicely on Chrome, Chromium, or Firefox
They do not run on Apple Safari in MacOS and iOS
Loop Subdivision
Subdivision scheme for triangle meshes
Generates \(C^2\) continuous limit surfaces:
\(C^1\) for extraordinary vertices (valence ≠ 6)
\(C^2\) continuous everywhere else
Loop Subdivision Rules
New edge vertices Update old vertices (valence \(k\) )
Generalized Catmull-Clark Subdivision
Subdivision scheme for arbitrary polygons
Connect new face points to edge-vertex-edge triple
Turns all polygon faces into quads
Generates \(C^2\) continuous limit surfaces:
\(C^1\) for extraordinary vertices (valence ≠ 4)
\(C^2\) continuous everywhere else
Catmull-Clark Rules
New face vertices
\[\vec{f} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \vec{v}_i\]
New edge vertices
\[\vec{e} = \frac{1}{4} \left(\vec{v}_1 + \vec{v}_2 + \vec{f}_1 + \vec{f}_2\right)\]
Update old vertices (valence \(k\) )
\vec{v} = \frac{k-2}{k} \vec{v}
+ \frac{1}{k^2} \sum_{i=1}^k \vec{v}_i
+ \frac{1}{k^2} \sum_{i=1}^k \vec{f}_i
Try it yourself!
pure quad mesh (triangulate for Loop subdivision)
Try it yourself!
mixed tri-quad mesh
Cotan Laplace Discretization
\laplace \vec{x}\of{v_i} \;:=\;
\sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}}
\left( \cot \alpha_{ij} + \cot \beta_{ij} \right)
\left( \vec{x}\of{v_j} - \vec{x}\of{v_i} \right)
takes geometry and connectivity into account
more accurate discretization
can be derived through FEM
Numerical Integration
Let’s write the position update in matrix notation
Write all points \(\vec{x}_i^{(t)}\) in a large vector/matrix: \[\vec{X}^{(t)} = \trans{\left( \vec{x}_1^{(t)}, \ldots, \vec{x}_n^{(t)} \right)} \in \R^{n\times 3}\]
Matrix version of explicit integration \[\vec{X}^{(t+1)} = (\vec{I} + \delta t \, \lambda \vec{L}) \, \vec{X}^{(t)}\]
Matrix version of implicit integration \[(\vec{I} - \delta t \, \lambda \vec{L}) \, \vec{X}^{(t+1)} = \vec{X}^{(t)}\]
Isotropic Triangle Remeshing
original mesh
uniform remeshing
adaptive remeshing
Adaptive Remeshing
Adapt edge length to local curvature
Compute maximum principle curvature on reference mesh
Determine local target edge length from max-curvature
Adjust split & collapse criteria accordingly
Feature Preservation
Define feature edges / vertices
Large dihedral angles
Material boundaries
Adjust local operators
Don’t flip feature edges
Collapse only along features
Univariate smoothing
Project to feature curves
Don’t touch feature vertices